Melissa Campoli

Frosh Handbook

The Frosh Handbook is a 132-page 'guide to first year' for Engineering at the University of Toronto. It is produced annually and distributed to all incoming engineering students. As Editor, I managed the creation process from start to finish, including the design, writing, editing, printing, and distribution.

For this project I worked alongside my team of 6. They were awesome. Everything is awesome. Everything is cool when you're part of a team. 🎵

You can view a PDF of the full publication here.

A stack of Frosh Handbooks next to a white hardhat on a wooden table

Cover page of the Frosh Handbook with Lego characters designed to look like Skule figureheads A title page from the Frosh Handbook about the traditions of Skule
Inner page of the Frosh Handbook about the iron ring and purple dye with a lego border around the edges of the page Inner page of the Frosh Handbook giving a pre-class checklist with a lego border around the edges of the page