Melissa Campoli

EL Wire Costumes

Truly at the intersection of engineering and design.

Set of 5 EL wire dance costumes produced for a private client. Arguably my biggest side project to date, these bad boys were a huge undertaking. But, they turned out 🔥 so I'm happy.

8 lighting effects controlled wirelessly from a control console via DMX512.

The costumes were designed entirely from scratch. I used 3.2mm EL wire in red and blue. The wire was hand stitched to a hoodie and trackpant suit, and glued to a mask piece.

Between the 5 costumes, there was over 500 feet of wire ( !!! )

Progress photo showing the costume hoodie laid out on a table with tape, chalk, pliers, and a ruler

For this project, my client specifically requested wireless controls. I used DMX as the wireless communication protocol for 2 reasons: It is compatible with Arduino components; and could connect easily to a commercial lighting control console, which would be easiest to use for my client.

Collage of the EL costumes in 4 different poses showing both the front and the back of the costumes